Dear Sandton Family

Like many of you, my family and I have been on a journey of discovering what God has called us to do, and what obedience looks like practically in different seasons. When the Shofar Johannesburg community and leadership team prayed about planting a congregation in Sandton, the answer from God was very clear. Hennie approached Lauren and I and asked us to lead the congregation. We weren’t sure if God had called us to pastor a local church, but while praying we sensed a clear ‘Yes’ from the Lord. This was what following His voice looked like for us at that stage. We sensed it may not be a long term thing, but God was also teaching us to remain present in the moment and season we were in, and not to ‘worry about tomorrow’. The past two years planting the Sandton congregation has been one of the most meaningful and exciting things to be a part of. Through the work of the Holy Spirit in and through many of you, we have seen people get born-again, baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit. By his grace we have experienced growth – both in numbers being added, and also in depth of discipleship. Due to having two small boys and a full-time job in professional services consulting, we have not been able to do everything a full-time employed pastor would have done. This has meant that our members have stepped up in an amazing way to co-labour in the ministry. I am grateful, because it has reminded us that it’s not about one or two strong leaders running the show, but rather Jesus shaping us more and more to be a community of ministers – ministering to God and each other, and those outside the church. For this I thank you, and encourage you to serve the body of Christ as the Holy Spirit leads you – she is so worth it! In July, through significant conversations with my boss and a spiritual mentor in one of our other congregations, God began to surface some things in my heart and I knew he was calling me closer – an invitation to engage him around the future. While we were overseas God through an amazing sequence of events, people, Holy Spirit promptings and scriptures confirmed what I believe he has primarily called me for – to help shape culture in secular environments through values-based leadership. My heart is for a culture in all aspects of society that reflects the King’s way of doing things! It has been the greatest privilege to (with God’s grace, and the contributions of many of you) help influence culture in Shofar Sandton as well. While praying, and through discussions with Lauren, support from brothers and mentors in Christ I gained clarity that I believe it is time for Lauren and I to step down as pastors of the Sandton congregation. God is sovereign and inasmuch as I believe this is His will for us, I am also fully convinced this is His will for us as a church family. Many of you would have sensed the momentum that has been building in the Spirit – God has been stirring our faith in Him, and our vulnerability and trust with one another. For what God is about to do, I believe Lauren and I need to play a different role. In conversations with Hennie, we also believe that it is time for someone who can serve in a more full-time capacity to step in – we believe the church is ready for this and it will support what God is wanting to do. Lauren and I love the global church, we love Shofar as a part of that body, and we especially love and care about the Sandton congregation. It is our desire to remain active and involved members. Hennie has asked us to remain as elders, and to continue ministering and that is our full intent. We will also figure out what the best support looks like for who takes over as pastors. If it makes sense at that point, we would like to take a three month break from pulpit ministry and will become more active after that. We made and communicated our decision in August and had a six month period on our hearts, meaning we will officially step down by the end of February – perhaps sooner if the next pastor couple is ready to step in. Hennie as our regional pastor, with our Sandton elders and deacons, and the global Shofar leadership team, is leading the process of identifying who God wants to send next, and how we will manage the transition. Please pray with us that God would stir the hearts of who he wants to send, and that we would experience so much grace and increased momentum in the transition. It is a new season, and I truly believe it is going to be the best one yet. I am reminded of Lauren’s word at the beginning of the year about fruitfulness, which was confirmed by Dr Corne Bekker (one of our global elders) at Convergence in September. I am not sure how this news will affect you – some of us like change and others prefer it when things remain the same. I wish I could offer the comfort you need if you need it. The great news is that we are not planning on going anywhere, we will just be serving in a different capacity. And hopefully you can see the Holy Spirit’s hand in the journey. I want to encourage all of us to fix our eyes on Jesus – He is building his church and He is not confused. He has been so faithful and I never want to do anything without Him! He is making ALL things beautiful in its time, and He is coming back for a pure and spotless bride. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith and He is the only one worth following with total abandon. Let us also turn our hearts towards each other – I have it on my heart for all of us to ‘pull the nets tighter’ in this time. What that means is looking out for each other, and preparing for a large catch that I believe the Lord is about to bring in. We love you guys from the bottom of our hearts, and we look forward to continue to journey with you. We are praying for you – please pray for us too. Feel free to reach out to me, any of our leaders, to Hennie or each other if you have any desire to talk through some of these things. Stefan