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convergence | 6-8 september
It is almost time for Convergence again and we are so excited! This year the theme is 'The Sound of the Harvest' - the sound of family coming together to seek God’s face is definitely a sound that will change not only us, but our communities as well. So, diarise these dates - you definitely don't want to miss out (especially since there's a Gauteng leg of the Conference).


what's happening in church?

first monday prayer | 3 june | oak house, 148 oak avenue
God has called us to be a praying church, a church that intercedes for our country, for our neighbourhoods, and for Shofar as a movement.

children's church training | 6 june | oak house, 148 oak avenue
If you would like to join the children's church team or you want to see what it is all about, please join us for our training evenings.

registering for events or more info
If you would like to register for an event or you want to know more, please visit our website.


johannesburg main account
acc name: shofar johannesburg
bank: nedbank
branch code: 106012
account number: 1060205475
type: cheque (current)
bodyserve account
acc name: shofar johannesburg
bank: nedbank 
branch code: 106012
account number: 1060205483
type: cheque (current)
shofar sandton

church services
sundays • 17h00
curro rivonia, 43 homestead avenue

contact us
011 482 2033 or 087 898 6325 |